Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Virgin Blog-directing TV commercials

Everyone needs to experience it in their lifetime. So here I am writing my first blog during a break in a TV commercial shoot.For most of my fifteen years directing TV commercials, I have mostly been doing food.Name it- from instant noodles. ice cream, soups, mayonaise, burgers, pizza.The list goes on. Looking at many food TVCs in Asia, Philippines next to Australia produces the most appetizing food commercials. It reflects how much we filipinos are passionate about food.

Today, I am doing hair.In the Philippines, if you shoot shampoo commercials, you're made. Shampoo ads mean glamour, stylish and beautiful women. Sosyal! In Thailand, it's the opposite. You're a starting director? You begin your career doing shampoo ads. For them shampoo ads are no-brainers.Shampoo commercials rarely go out of the box. So what does that make me?- a no brain but stylish TV commercial director! Ha!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello pogi!

10:07 AM  
Blogger 3sha said...

Congrats on your first blog!

I now have a new place to lurk around in. hehe. Waiting for future blogs ^_^

I didn't know that hair tvcs were starters for Thai directors. (o.O)


11:05 AM  

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